Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Appendicular Skeleton: Part 1

Hello, I'm back!

Today we'll be covering part of "The Appendicular Skeleton"

If you've been following my blog then you'll know that the areas going to be covered are the: shoulders, arms, hands, pelvis, legs and feet.

We have 17 different sorts of bones in these areas and 130 in total! A lot of bones...

Lets start with the shoulders! We have 2 different types of bones here called the Scapulae and the Clavicle or in other words the shoulder blade and the collar bone. There are 2 of each of these in the human skeleton...

The Scapulae is located at back whilst the Clavicle is located at the front. The Clavicle actually helps to maintain the correct position of the Scapulae keeping it a distance from the chest wall. Whilst the Scapulae is situated at the back, it is held on by muscular attachments to the ribcage.

That's the shoulders out of the way! We will now move onto the arms...

So here in our arms, there are 3 different bones! The Humerus, Radius and the Ulna! Again, there are 2 of each of these in the human skeleton...

The Humerus is located in the upper arm whilst the Radius is located in the forearm.

So that's it for today! I'll probably continue with the rest of "The Appendicular Skeleton" over the next couple of days. :)

Hope you're all well x

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