Tuesday 28 January 2014

A brief insight to my New Diet


So, I stated in my previous blog that I'd talk more about the skeleton and the bones in the body... well I'm going to do that tomorrow now (busy day) but I'll leave you with a picture of my dinner tonight!

I started a new diet last week. I lost around a stone in weight over Christmas and I'm looking to put that on whilst doing some not too strenuous exercise. So far it's going well... I'll be sharing my diet when I've got my website sorted which will probably be here towards the end of the year as I'm not really up to it at the moment, plus I want to see some good results to show the rest of you too to prove the diets and workouts I follow do work!

Before Christmas, I weighed around 15 stone, I've now gone down to around 14 stone (morning weight). It's ALWAYS best to weigh yourself in the morning as your body isn't carrying any food or water weight! That's the most accurate time of day to weigh yourself, unless of course you work nights!

I'm 6ft 3 too so for someone of my height and weight, the recommended amount of calories to have on a bulk is around 3300... I've cut this down to 3000 as I'm not as active as a regular person due to my M.E.

Anyway... here's the picture...

There we go... not the best presentation but it's all about getting the calories in! What's the point in a good presentation if you're going to eat it anyway??!! ;)

It tastes good!

Chicken fillets, cherry tomatoes, brown rice, spinach, feta cheese and baked potatoes. :)

Hope you're all having a great week so far!

Barry. :)

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