Saturday 18 January 2014

The functions of the Skeletal System

Hello everyone! Hope you have all had a great start to the New Year so far! :)

The Skeletal System... What better way to start off the New Year?!...

If you're interested in learning about the body then you'll find this interesting and of course it's important for Personal Trainers to know these sorts of things!

Will knowing this information affect the way you approach your workout and diet? Probably not but why is it useful to know all of this?

Well for a start the skeleton protects all of the internal organs e.g. the lungs, the heart, the brain etc etc.

It gives our body shape, if we had no bones then we'd all just be blobs, like a blob fish which isn't the prettiest of sights!

It also provides surfaces for the attachment of soft tissues such as ligaments and muscles, these muscles can pull on the bones which products joint movement meaning the skeleton will act as bio mechanical levers to allow this.

What else? Well there's 2 main functions that haven't been mentioned yet, production and storage!

So what does the skeleton produce that we haven't covered already? Well there's a few things that certain bones produce which are namely produce granular white blood cells, red blood cells, and lastly platelets from their red bone marrow.

I'm going to finish today's blog with the storage of the skeleton before moving onto the names of the bones tomorrow. (I've written a bit more than I 1st decided to!)

The skeleton stores several minerals which when required are released. These minerals include calcium and phosphorus. Lastly, triglycerides are stored in the adipocytes of yellow bone marrow. And for those who don't know, triglycerides are the main constituent of animal fats and vegetable oil. The technical term used is an "ester composed of glycerol bound to three fatty acids".

As you can see, lots of technical terms there! I won't go into them all as I could simply go on for days... and like most people find it very confusing!

Hope you found this as useful as I did and look at for the next blog in a few days.

Barry. :)

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