Friday 1 May 2015

The New Diet: Day 1 Detox

Hello everyone!

I've been inspired to start posting a lot more regularly here as I feel now is the time for me to really make an effort with my diet.

I've jumped onto the JUICE PLUS bandwagon!!!

I've previously been skeptical about this but I've done more research into the whole thing and I decided it was worth ago despite being on the pricey side. This is mainly for health reasons. I've spoken to a few people who suffer with the same illness with me and they say that this diet has really helped them. I've learned a lot too.

Firstly, it's recommended to do a 2 week detox though this is optional. I've decided to do it until my package arrives through the post. It's going through today so it should be in between a 1-2 week period which gives my body time to return to optimal function. This is so I get the best results from the diet.

I've always been very against losing a lot of weight as I've previously been very into my muscle building and eating lots of high protein foods. However, I'm at the stage now where I need to get rid of excess fat whatever weight I am. It's impossible to lose fat and not lose weight. It's also possible to muscle build with juice plus and that's what I'm going to do after I've completed the diet.

I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of juice plus as I'm very new to it and I'm here to keep track of my daily diet. I'll also write a post when my actual package has arrived so I can show you what's involved. In short it's capsules, juices and shakes. I do eat meals on top of that though so I'm not starving myself! The main principles here are cutting out caffeine, wheat, dairy, gluten... most things!

I have also taken a picture of myself so I can compare it to later pictures. I'm taking pictures in the same places each time, no complimentary lighting and different angles, it's all going to be 100% real.

My stats are as follows (more or less). I don't have the best equipment in the world but it's accurate in a way that I'll be using the exact same ways each time.

Height: 191cm (you don't really need to know that but there you go) Did you know you can actually shrink up to a couple of cm during the course of the day? All the pressure on your spine of course. I've researched this!

Weight: 88.2kg (I had plans a couple of years ago to get to 100kg of pure muscle, how times have changed!) I'd like to stay at this weight but with very little fat of course.

Body fat: 19.7% (Not brilliant considering I used to be very into my fitness before I fell ill, I'd ideally like to be between 10%-15% long term)

Of course all the above stats are recorded in the morning before any food or water has been consumed. This is best way to make sure you're getting a true reading... throughout the day different foods will add weight and give you fluctuating numbers.

So let's start with DAY 1 DETOX 

First of all, I'm sticking to my porridge for breakfast as it's easy, with banana. The only change I've made is that I'm starting to have it with soya milk which actually tastes good. Normal milk in supermarkets have stuff added to them to preserve shelf life so that's something I wasn't aware of before... Soya milk is expensive so I'm going to shop round a bit and see if I can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Then I decided to take Katy (the dog) to the park whilst I did some work on the resistance machines there. Weights are a big no for me at the moment. Last time I attempted I was as good as bed bound for a few days. I'm listening to my body so I got around 10 minutes done with no real strain, taking it easy at the minute but every little helps!

When I got back I made myself some fresh carrot juice and although I'm used to eating large quantities, my appetite has never been brilliant. I had around half of this so saved the rest for today.

A little later on I was a little stuck with what to have for lunch as I usually have whole wheat pasta which of course isn't allowed in this diet. I thought I'd be a little adventurous and try a banana omelet. It consisted of soya milk, honey, eggs and banana... it ended up more like scrambled egg but it tasted good. I could've eaten it all but decided not to as it was a big portion with 4 eggs in there. Maybe a little less honey next time too.

There was actually quite a big gap between lunch and this drink because I'd fallen asleep for a few hours. I think everything had caught up with me a little so I crashed but I got up and out and despite the Costa cup, I actually wasn't in Costa. This is a peppermint green tea as I'm not allowed caffeine. It tasted nice but coffee is the one thing I will really miss being on this diet.
Then tea time which actually got very late but then all my meals seem to be at odd times. Here's my favourite which I really enjoyed and have been having for a while now. Chicken, sweet potatoes and mixed veg. Very tasty!
Shortly after I had another green tea, this time I tried an apple flavoured one which is very nice. A new favourite I think!

Lastly, here is a 2 litre bottle of water from Tesco costing 17p. I haven't got a water filter jug yet and tap water isn't great so I got 4 of these to keep me going for a few days.

So there we go! I'll be back soon to keep you all updated with my progress!

Have a great day all! :D


  1. A very positive day Barry, I will definitely keep checking in, good luck!
