Hello everyone! This is the seventh day of my
I decided to stop taking pictures of my food today until I try out some new recipes!
I'm actually quite enjoying it, I've not craved naughty things too much.
I've just been offered a
FREE sandwich at Costa and I kindly declined. That's just an example of the willpower I have!!!
First of all, here is a picture of my whiteboard and my scribblings out of my weight as you can see. There's a slight update today, I've still
13 stone 8.6 but I've dropped to
18.9% body fat.

So, let's compare my results so far between
30th April and
6th May (today):
30th April:
13 stone 12.6 = 88.2kg
6th May:
13 stone 8.6 = 86.4kg
I've dropped
4 pounds and
0.8% body fat which is progress.
Now here's my mathematical side showing... If you read my last post then you'll know I really don't want to lose weight, I just want to lose fat! But to lose the fat I need to lose the weight... Now at the very low end I'd maybe go down to
12 and a half stone which will have me looking pretty slim. That's a little under a stone what I am now. There's
14 pounds in a
stone. Let's times
0.8% body fat (what I've dropped so far) by 3 (which takes us up to
12 pounds, only a couple of pounds away from a stone) With me? That takes us up to
2.4% body fat. Now let's minus
2.4% body fat from
18.9% body fat. This equals
16.5% body fat.
Basically, the above means that based on this weeks results, if I go down to
12 stone 9.6 then I will go down to
16.5% body fat. In fact let's say I drop another 4 pounds to
12 stone 5.6 then I will go down to
15.7% body fat. Hopefully I'll lose a bit more percent in fat but I'm being realistic. Once I'd gone down to that weight I'd start to add the weight back on gradually with minimal body fat. I would like to go in cycles like that until I reach a weight and body fat percent I'm happy with.
So there's all the math for you! Let's have a look at the food starting from
Friday 1st May: (I won't post the same food twice so I don't bombard you with too many pictures)
Banana and porridge oats with soya milk |
Flavoured green tea |
Fresh carrot juice |
Banana, egg, honey and soya milk |
Greek yoghurt and frozen raspberries |
Green tea |
Apple |
Chicken, sweet potato,spinach, tomato with seasonings |
Flavoured green tea |
So the above is showing you exactly everything I've had within that day. I do sometimes like to eat the same things each day so now (to save being repetitive) I will post other meals/snacks I've had during the week:
I had a couple of spare turkey fillets so I mixed them in with tomato, red onion, egg and seasonings (I think that's everything) |
I know I've posted this before but I felt I had to post it again as it's so nice and also I added hummus and mixed veg into it! |
Here is porridge (which I've had for breakfast every morning for goodness knows how many years) but this time I added chopped apple on top instead of banana |
Here are some banana, eggs, honey and soya milk again. I couldn't be bothered to squash the banana as you can see, tastes good but better mushed |
Here are the green teas I have when indoors. Apple and pear is my favourite but orange and lotus flower is nice too |
There was an afternoon where I didn't feel too hungry and a bit sick so I just had a tin of tuna mixed in with tomato |
I discovered these. Dates, figs and walnuts! No added ingredients and great for a little snack |
Another lovely snack, strawberries and banana! |
I got some oat cakes too. Don't taste of much but great to snack on, will add feta cheese to a few at some point! |
Ok, so this was meant to be a soup but I didn't have a blender, it's butternut squash mixed in with sweet potato, celery, carrot and red onion |
Another meal here consisting and chicken, tomatoes, brown rice (which is allowed) and peas |
My aim now is to get a proper exercise routine put in place to start toning my body up. I'm sticking to body weight for the time being as weights aren't compatible with me at the moment!
I'll be back soon with another update,
Thanks for reading x
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